If it is a full shipping
If it is a full shipping address I would be using multi-line field.
I don't think you can
I don't think you can physically put it on the form. Best you could do is fill in an index field when stored with the date/time.
Barcodes are pretty sketchy
Barcodes are pretty sketchy with the OCR and DocuWare. Maybe I there is something that needs to be changed within the OCR settings but reading barcodes is very random with DocuWare. I have converted most of my clients to use QR and have had much more luck with that. Again, could just be me not configuring OCR settings correctly but I would think OCR should be able to read basic 39 or 128 barcodes out of box.
Aaron, go to mysql
Aaron, go to mysql administration query browser. Browse to DWsystem then double click dwserver table and execute. What does your domain column read? does it match the domain of your new DC's?
I wonder if the secondary
I wonder if the secondary domain controllers have a different domain, therefore the domain in teh mysql DB is not correct.
Yes, in the filter for
Yes, in the filter for searcing in the AIX just put in First Name = NOT EMPTY() Last Name = NOT EMPTY() , end date = NOT EMPTY(), and Status = EMPTY()
This way it won't try to update documents that have the status already filled out.
I think you would need
I think you would need Workflow Manager to do this. Just need to create the workflow for newly stored documents and have it fill in the docID field you create for the cabinet.
- Create the field in the cabinet. Call it say "Document ID"
- Create a workfow that starts on new documents that "Document ID" is EMPTY
- in the workflow add Assign Data Module and assign field Document ID with Arithmetic Expression
DocuWare can't do this out of
DocuWare can't do this out of box. But, you can purchase Stapleware add-on that integrates with DocuWare. J&H created it and sells it. Works great. https://www.jhoe.com/products/page.php?pageID=13&sp=1&nomobile=
Basically you setup criteria like you would for autoindex that has match codes. If it matches, then it will staple the document onto the existing document in the system.
you can just setup document links and just store page two separate but both would pull up. Not ideal
This would make sense. I
This would make sense. I believe the docuware viewer is just an HTML viewer. It is going to try and squeeze the image into the frame. If it is large format, you are going to have to open in an app like you would for some excel, CAD, indesign etc.
We do this with workflow
We do this with workflow manager and the eforms. A public user will fill out the form, we have an email address field that is required. That email address fills the global variable and then you can use that to send email notifications from within the workflow manager piece.