When attempting to complete a workflow task, the following error message is displayed:
"Execution Timeout Expired"

When this error occurs, this could be due to the following reasons:

If we see that the issue only occurs for one user, attempt accessing the Web Client from a browser's incognito mode. If the error doesn't present itself when this is done, this behavior could be due to a browser restriction. 
To overcome this error, clear the browser's cache and cookies, then check again.

If multiple users are affected, it is recommended to;
  • Check the system resources and ensure that they are met. Visit the DocuWare Knowledge Center for system requirements for your respective DocuWare version.
  • Reset the Message Queue; see KBA-35787 for how this process would be done.
  • Shrink the database's transaction logs for DWSystem, DWData, and DWWorkflowengine. Instructions can be found here.

Please check the `dwsystem.dbo.dwtasks` table for a running fulltext reindex job or an unusual cluster of running tasks:

Fulltext Reindex Job:

- Check the "settings" column to see which file cabinet is being reindexed and how far the process has progressed (DWDOCID is counted DOWN).
- Compare the file cabinet GUID with the `dwsystem.dbo.dwfilecabinet` table.
- For a temporary fix, remove the task with TASK_TYPE=5. If there are too many tasks with TASK_TYPE=0 or 2, you may need to remove those as well. They will be recreated when running the full-text reset again, so no data will be lost.
- Consider scheduling fulltext reindex tasks before starting one again.
- For reference: KBA-36267

Unusual Cluster of Tasks:

- If you have more than a few thousand rows in the `dwtasks` table and have not run a large job, such as a transfer job importing thousands of documents, this may indicate an issue in the system.
- In such cases, open a support request but do not delete those rows.
- Provide the current number of rows, grouped by the `task_type` column, so we can identify the types of tasks currently running.

KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY