• Clarification. The search

    Clarification. The search criteria is determined depending on the syntax. So entering a string such as Phil will generate an = search - WHERE field = 'Phil'

    Entering Phil* will generate a LIKE search: WHERE field LIKE 'Phil%'

    and so on.



  • Silverlight

    2/5ths of nothing in 6.12



  • Sorry Joe,

    Sorry Joe,

    The equal sign is not required. I should have clarified that.

    The = is assumed. So the exact entry would be "*A" OR "B*" etc.



  • Yep. I'ts straight C# in .NET

    Yep. I'ts straight C# in .NET with HTML5. Simple right? :)




  • Wildcards

    = "*A*"  - anything containg A
    ="A*" - anything starting with A
    =*A" - anything ending with A

    = "A*" AND "*B" - starts with A and ends with B

    Phil Robson


  • Search on DocId.

    Easy enough yes, but it sure woud be handy to be able to do it without the hoops!




  • Search by DocId

    The only way to search on this internal field is to create a custom DOCID field and run an AutoIndex workflow to populate the field. Then search on the custom field in the Web Client. Make sure your custom field is type "INT".


    Phil Robson



  • Query.

    You may need to build a Result List specifically where you can use the query builder to build quite complex queries similar to what you see in Fortis.
    But try entering this in to the field:

    EMPTY() OR "Not mine"


    Phil Robson

  • Blank index fields.

    The search term EMPTY() is placed in the field you wish to evaluate to blank
    NOTEMPTY() does the reverse.


    Phil Robson

  • WFM Timestamp.

    That time will be in UTC. Apply your local offset for local time. You could use an arithmetic expression to convert it to another variable for local time.

    LOCAL_RECEIVED_ON = DateAdd("h", -5,WF_RECEIVED_ON). This converts UTC to EST. However it does not take into account DST. You will need another expression using an IF/THEN.

    Of course, it becomes a bit complex because DST starts and ends on a specific day of the month not a date.

    Ultimately, it may be easier to have a local webservice figure out if DST is active and return the number of hours to substract for your variable.

    VarDST = (Call web service to get the number of hours)



    Phil Robson
    Senior Director Support Americas