Veröffentlicht Thu, 12 Apr 2018 13:58:34 GMT von Grupo Terra


We're having this problem with users geting confused about their login credentials. All of our users (except admins) should use the "Windows account" authentication. However, when they go to the Docuware Login page, the default login method is "DocuWare Account". Many users don't know the difference and just type in their Windows account and password, and of course, Docuware gives them an error saying their password is wrong. They should select the dropdown and change to "Windows account".

Is there a way to have the default, pre-selected option be "Windows account"?

It would help us a lot.



Veröffentlicht Thu, 12 Apr 2018 14:28:19 GMT von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Normally this will be controlled by a cookie. Are the clients allowed to accept cookies from DocuWare?
If they are, try deleting the browser cache.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Veröffentlicht Thu, 12 Apr 2018 17:17:55 GMT von Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


I am guessing he means to have Windows be the default even the first time in. My system remembers the authentication method after I do it once, but the first time in I am sure it was DocuWare.

Not sure if that is what the OP is referring to...



Joe Kaufman

Veröffentlicht Thu, 12 Apr 2018 18:07:38 GMT von Grupo Terra

Hi Joe,

Yes, That's exactly what I mean. Many of our users don't need to use Docuware directly, instead they just use web forms we have configured. We get tons of calls from people who say Docuware won't accept their password, but it's because they are not using the propper login method. The problem is with the very first time they log in.



Veröffentlicht Fri, 13 Apr 2018 04:40:31 GMT von Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence


As some behavior can be modified using custom css

Would be nice to be able to change the same way the login choice ?

Possible ?



Veröffentlicht Fri, 13 Apr 2018 04:40:34 GMT von Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence


As some behavior can be modified using custom css

Would be nice to be able to change the same way the login choice ?

Possible ?



Veröffentlicht Fri, 13 Apr 2018 04:40:37 GMT von Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence


As some behavior can be modified using custom css

Would be nice to be able to change the same way the login choice ?

Possible ?



Veröffentlicht Fri, 13 Apr 2018 04:42:52 GMT von Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence

Oups, sorry for the duplicated (triplicated) messages. Poor response time and too many clicks :-(

Veröffentlicht Fri, 13 Apr 2018 05:27:00 GMT von

Hi Chris,
Hi Gilles,

i´m not sure, but i believe that that faq can help to solve that problem too:

Best regards Martin

Veröffentlicht Fri, 13 Apr 2018 18:46:59 GMT von Craig Heintz SE

The post above works great.  In version 6.12 there are only two items to modify in the Inex.html file.  Also users will have to point there initial url to http://server/docuware with no additions and it will log in a users who has a Network ID in the DocuWare user account that matches their PC login account.

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