Publicado hace 7 años por Steve Shriver Application Specialist

Of course the answer to this is to do just that but after installing 100 or more to a 2008r2 server the error continues. Does anyone know which updates DW installer realy wants? .Net of course, but anything else? Installer is v6.9

Publicado hace 7 años por Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

I don't recall that being a problem with 6.9., try installing the VCRedist64.exe from the VCRedist folder in the distribution.
The re-run setup. If that fails try following this FAQ.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Publicado hace 7 años por Christopher Ure Software Support Analyst


We don't have anything specific to 6.9, but see for more information on a known issue in 6.10 which may be related.

Also, check your DWSetupTrimmed log: if one of the entries is, "An error during installation. The module will now be uninstalled so that it is easier to fix.", then try


Finally, if none of that work, please open a support request so that we can take a look.

Christopher Ure

Software Support Specialist

Support Team GREEN - Americas

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