• RE: Daten aus externer Auswahlliste in Workflow benutzen

    Hallo Herr Becker,
    schon etwas Zeit vergangen, ich möchte trotzdem die Idee von Herrn Hellmann fortsetzen:
    Im Workflow für Ihre Rechnungen nutzen Sie nun eine "Daten zuweisen" Aktivität, die auf das neu angelegte Archiv (Quelle: Archiv) zugreift und nach dem Kundennamen sucht und dann die gesuchten Daten an den Workflow und in die Indexbegriffe der Rechnung schreibt.
    Ich hoffe das hilft weiter.
  • RE: Crear bandeja

    Hola Edwin, 
    probably there is no Storage Location set up for document trays. This can be done in the DocuWare Administration - System - Storage locations.

    Hope this helps.
  • RE: Can you store documents via Document Tray using Mobile App-1520519460

    Even if the thread is quite old, I would like to update it with the information for the current version of the mobile app.

    The response from Phil is valid for the now called "DocuWare Classic" app.

    The current DocuWare can now do the following:
    • You can share a file from another app to a document tray
    • You can search in a file cabinet
    • You can act on tasks
    • You can view documents in a document tray
    • You can store a document from a document tray to a file cabinet
    You cannot do:
    • You cannot share a file from another app directly to a file cabinet
    • You cannot import a file from inside the DocuWare app
  • RE: Mobile App IOS

    Sehr geehrter Herr Egberts,

    die neueste Version der DocuWare App kann nun auch Dokumente in einen Briefkorb hochladen und von dort in ein Archiv ablegen: https://start.docuware.com/de/blog/produkt/mobile-docuware-app-dokument-ablegen

    Zu Ihrer zweiten Frage: Google Drive und Dropbox sind in der App eingebunden und können wenn gewünscht verwendet werden. Allerdings können Sie über die "Teilen"-Funktion von iOS jeden anderen gewünschten Dienst verwenden, also auch ohne Probleme OneDrive.

    Ansonsten hier noch die Seiten, die Google und Dropbox zur DSGVO zur Verfügung stellen:

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Tobias Getz

  • RE: Mobile App - Upload Problem

    Hi Tobias (nice name by the way),

    you are right, the latest update can upload documents to document trays.
    The error in you screenshot seems to be not an error connected to the mobile app, did you try to upload it with the Web Client? Maybe the same error appears.

    I suggest, that you open a support case to identify this problem better.

    Tobias Getz
  • RE: Search Multiple Cabinets

    Hi Sabino,
    the search on muiltiple file cabinets is relying on the column names of the database, so if your column names differ there is no other way then creating a new field and transferring the data from the old field to the new one.

  • RE: When do .DWX files get created?

    Hi Matthew,
    this sounds like a different problem. dwx files are not accessed during opening a document and are only available for documents that where stored (or index changed) with version 7 and up. Maybe the file which you cannot open is an older document and the file system "lost" the original header file. You might want to open a support case for this.
  • RE: When do .DWX files get created?

    Hi Casey,
    first, dwx files are only created, if the option is enabled for the specific file cabinet.
    Second, the files are created asynchronously, so they are not created directly during storage of a document (like in older versions) but there is only a task created with a low priority and if your system is under load this might take a while until they are created. We would not expect that this takes days, so you might want to investigate this in more detail maybe with a support case.
  • RE: OCR "Find Next"

    Hi Daniel,

    sure, there is a find next. In the viewer toolbar there is a magnifier (which is the search in the document) and a magnifier with an arrow for "Find next".
  • RE: DocuWare 7 System Requirements

    Hi Casey,

    the system requirements can be found in the help portal. Here is a direct link to them: http://help.docuware.com/en/#b57853t55049n87396