RE: Dragging and MSG with attachment does not import attachment
Found answer from a previous post. Disregard. -
Dragging and MSG with attachment does not import attachment
HI Folks,
I have msg files for an attorneys office that have attachments. when we drag the files to the appropriate folder and import, it only imports the msg and not the attachment. Is there a setting or is this even possible. They are a bit upset that the attachments are not there and this is an issue as the attachments are necessary for case builds. -
RE: Change Tracking report/???
I don't see protocols but I do see Audit Reports. It this what you mean? -
On Premise Box Swap
HI Folks,
Does anyone have a box swap guide? We just need to start swapping out our older clients Windows Servers and was told there was a guide but I have searched for a few days now with no luck. -
Auto Index not allowing date to be pulled from field.
I have an autoindex issue where when trying to map a date to a column in my data source (csv) with a date, the "Fill With" option does not give the option to fill with a field, only Fixed or System Entry. Has anyone figured out how to get this to work? This is a crucial part of my implimentation/migratioin as the client needs the modified date of the files to come accross.
Change Tracking report/???
I have a client who insists they did not delete a certain group of HR docs offiliate with an employee. How to I find this information? They claim the documents were overwritten by new documents for the same employee, but this in not possable.
Mask on input field????
I can not seam to find how to create a true input field mask. Like creating a Single Line text field and assigning it to telephone number then having the user just have to type the 10 digits for a US number and the dashes are forced. Example :510-963-9874 The mask is created as only a validation that the user puts in the dashes not having the field as a true mask. nnn-nnn-nnnn.
Has anyone figure this out. Or is this a missing feature since the new forms?
Bug in Cloud
Thanks Casey. Just heard from support that this is a known bug. Will be fixed in next update.
Same behaivior on Firefox and
Same behaivior on Firefox and Chrome as IE and Edge.
Just tried and it does not
Just tried and it does not have any affect. Still not able to sign.