Publicado Wed, 24 Apr 2019 19:59:42 GMT por Kim Sims Technical Solution Architect
Client is being migrated to cloud and provided a 2016 server to handle the import processes. We noticed that the server was pushed to 99%, which of course, the client had created it with 32 GB RAM, but, only 2 cores. I asked him to add additional cores to help with the loading of the server. He added them, but, still seeing cpu pegged at 99%. I disabled fulltext at the cabinet level, but, unsure how to reduce the load and allow efficient importing to continue.
Publicado Wed, 24 Apr 2019 20:00:42 GMT por Matthias Wieland DocuWare Europe GmbH Sr. Director Support EMEA
Dear Kim Sims! It looks like the Community cannot answer your question. Thats why we have opened a Support Request with the Number SR-66123-Y6G3Z for you. A Software Support Specialist will contact you directly to follow up. We will update this thread with the solution as soon as we have solved the Support Request. With Best Regards, DocuWare Support Team
Publicado Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:24:17 GMT por Romain VAISSIERE BELHARRA NUMERIQUE

Do you have any reply for this problem? One of our client has a problem with his server.
Every month he want to upload 37000 PDF files using OCR. When running this task, the cpu and the ram are pushed up to 99% and Docuware is able to load 20-30 files/min.
My client's server is running with 8Gb memory and he want to know if he can accelerate the files upload by increasing the server memory ? 
Do you have any opinion about this problem? 
Thanks in advance for your help. 

Publicado Mon, 31 Aug 2020 09:34:13 GMT por Tobias Getz DocuWare GmbH Team Leader Product Management
Hi Romain,

are you also uploading to DocuWare Cloud, or is this an on premise installation?
Anyway you should have a look on this article:
Maybe also this one is interesting:

In general OCR is a heavy process and needs ressources, more RAM, more cpu cores , SSD will help. But in order to keep the load lower you can reduce the amount of used cpu cores can be limited. If you limit them to 2 (in an 4 core environment) then you just have 50% load (and less speed).

Tobias Getz

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