• Allow New Entries Permission

    Can anyone give the specifics, or point me to documentation that does, of the Allow New Entries permission. (Version is 7.1) It seems to exist only when using a Custom Profile. How does it differ from the right to modify an index entry? Is it needed in addition to other rights?

    Workflow has thrown errors that a user without this right cannot change an index entry despite having the right to read search and modify given by an Index Profile where Add New Entries is not even an option.

    Any and all clues appreciated,
  • RE: File name and date display in web client viewer

    After some more investigation I might want to revise this question.

    I see in the Database that there is a DWSTOREDATETIME field for a document in the table of a document tray.

    This same field is replicated in the table for the file cabinet and updated when the document is indexed and stored.

    Is there a way I could find out the difference between these 2 dates? That way I could tell how long a document was in a tray before it was indexed and stored in the file cabinet.

    Many thanks,
  • File name and date display in web client viewer

    In the web client viewer at the bottom left corner of the document, there is a display of a file name and a date. I believe the file name is the original name of the file on disk when it was imported into a document tray and the date is the date it was imported into a tray. As opposed to the Stored Date, when the document was indexed and stored in a file cabinet.

    Is this correct?

    A user wishes to know how long a document has been in a tray before it was stored. If this is the "Tray Date", is it available somewhere to be queried? It is not listed as a system entry.

    For auditing purposes in an invoice processing system, we are trying to get a more accurate idea of when a document actually enters the system as opposed to the Stored On Date. That is, a document could be scanned/imported to a document tray, but not indexed and stored for a month. This makes it appear that the invoice processing workflow is taking much longer, when in truth it is a user issue.

    Any clues appreciated,
  • TLS update

    In the email that went out from DW recently, we were notified that browsers that may be out of date and don't support the new TLS update will have difficulty accessing cloud systems. In order to test current browsers this was added...

    To prepare the change to TLS 1.2 we will deactivate the outdated TLS versions for a few hours on January 21st, 2020. This will enable you to check whether all DocuWare Cloud Clients have been converted correctly.”

    Does anyone know when exactly these few hours will be? I have a customer that needs to test many users and in many parts of the US and some in EU.


  • Import job failures

    A customer reports that many documents fail to be stored into the file cabinet which is the target of an import job. These documents show up in a document tray he has named "Failures". I believe this is just the default tray of the user running the import job. I have asked for more info but it raises some questions.

    How does DocuWare determine when a document fails the import job and should not be stored? Does this only happen for jobs that have file cabinets as a target? Does it only happen if OCR is being used or if there are required fields missing?

    Is there a way to direct documents that fail to import to another tray based on the individual job, if multiple jobs are running on the same machine under the same user?

    Is there any specific documentation available?

  • Clearing out entries in a keyword field

    Due to a workflow error I have many records in a file cabinet with an incorrect entry in a Keyword field. I would like to clear these entries using AutoIndex, but if I write a new value into a Keyword field it is simply added. The original entry remains.

    Does anyone know of a way to remove or change and entry in a Keyword field using AutoIndex?

    Any clues appreciated,
  • Workflow Management Studio

    Does anyone have any experience with, or know of any documentation about, the Workflow Management Studio exe provided in the Power Tools directory? I can open the program and see stuff, but it's clearly above my pay grade. What can this be used for?

  • Workflow Dashboard

    Several versions ago, (maybe as long as 4 years ago?), there was a very handy utility configured as an Excel spreadsheet that had an ODBC connection to the DW database. There were some charts and graphs included that showed the status of all the workflow tasks currently running, who they were assigned to and how long they had been running. It was included in the demo VM.

    Does anyone know if that is still around, if it will work in v7 - 7.2 and where I might get a copy?

  • Updating Index data of document in workflow manager

    In a scenario where all documents entering a workflow are assigned to one user (v7.1) and this user's job is to distribute the work by re-assigning each task, is there a way for me to update an index field of the document with the user name of the re-assignment? This will be before any decisions are made.
  • DocuWare Request v7.2 on premises

    I have a storage location configured for Request files and an export path setup in the workflow server section of the admin tool. However, when trying a Request job I get errors - 

    Request Export "New Request export" was aborted due to an error. Please look into the job summary. Cannot determine Request Lite upload location! Neither storage location nor FTP is available

    I can find no other configuration options that might be required.

    Any clues appreciated,