RE: Stempel in einem Archiv nur für Dokumente mit gewissen Indexwerten
Hallo Herr Hayder,
die User können sich beim Stempel setzen auch noch einen Klick sparen, denn Sie können die Stempel in der Werkzeugleiste einblenden lassen.
Alles andere kann ich nur so bestätigen wie Sie es bereits beschrieben haben, hier hat DW nicht so viele Möglichkeiten, erst recht nicht bei den Stempelberechtigungen.
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: add row to table field with the API (C#)
Hi Jon,
I think you are actually writing to a text field.
I have never encountered this problem and every table I worked with has at least one decimal field.
See my code snippet for putting any value into a decimal field in a table:// var data is a string containing the data you want to write to the table field. if (!Decimal.TryParse(data, out decimal result)) { throw new InvalidCastException("Error: value " + data + "is not a decimal!"); } DocumentIndexField currentField = DocumentIndexField.Create(tableColumn, result); currentField = DocumentIndexField.Create(tableColumn, result); currentField.IsNull = false; currentField.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.Decimal;
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
RE: Workflows with Merge forms
Hi Rhys,
did you select the fillable PDF?
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
RE: add row to table field with the API (C#)
Hi Jon,
for 1.)
if you want to add new rows, you need to create a new DocumentIndexFieldTableRow like you wrote. Every column is a DocumentIndexField in the List ColumnValue. Your example works, if codeField, amountField and descriptionField are of type DocumentIndexField.
for 2.)
first, when getting anything you need to work with from the API, including documents, you should always use GetFromSelfRelation(), in the case of your Document, otherwise some attributes might not get loaded:MyDoc = GetDocumentFromFileCabinetById(conn, "<cabinetGUID>", DocId); MyDoc = GetDocumentFromSelfRelation();
Second, you are missing one Step, you need to tell your code that your item is actually a table field, otherwise it just assumes you are working with a general DocumentIndexField:DocumentIndexFieldTable myTableField = (DocumentIndexFieldTable)MyDoc.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldName == "GL Account Distribution").Item;
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Install DocuWare On-Premise, but in Azure Cloud
Hi Pedro,
this is still not officially supported. It may work, it may not work. Maybe you can find a customer who has this working on the current release, but I do not know of any.
DocuWare provides no support for on prem installs on AWS/Azure if that is found to cause the issue.
There was another thread recently talking about on prem in Azure where a DocuWare rep answered the questions - AWS follows the same rules as Azure here.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: add row to table field with the API (C#)
Hi Jon,
first, you need to create a new table field or get the existing table field from the document like in your existing scenario.
You can then create new index fields, add them to a new row and add this one to the table field.
See my example:
DocumentIndexField currentField = DocumentIndexField.Create("TABLE_MYFIELD", value); currentField.IsNull = false; currentField.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.Decimal; //set the itemchoicetype according to what kind of field it is //creates a new table row and adds the existing field. If you have more than one column, create more fields like the first one and add to this list DocumentIndexFieldTableRow newField = new DocumentIndexFieldTableRow() { ColumnValue = new List<DocumentIndexField>() { currentField } }; // when done with adding fields to the row, add the row to the table field tableField.Row.Add(newField);
When done with adding rows to the table, just push the fields as usual with document.PutToFieldsRelationForDocumentIndexFields();
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Searching multiple index fields through one field
Hi Rhys,
Fulltext might be a workaround, but I think you might be looking for keyword fields. Create one for Serial numbers in your file cabinet and have a look if that is what you need.
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Spilt info on workflow indexing
Hello Mark,
you can use String.Split in an arithmetic expression. There is a Document called "Workflow Expression Parser Documentation" available in the KB or Partner Portal which lists all available expressions.
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Workflow table fields data assignment
Hi Romain,
the answer from Matthias Wieland only said that he opened a support request for me - he probably sent it in German by accident or because he knows I am German.
The answer to support request was basically that there is no solution inside workflow manager yet.
So as a workaround I wrote a webservice which connects to the .NET API and can be called from the workflow and does the work I needed.
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Oops! Keine der gewählen Lizenzen ist verfügbar
Da es sich um Named User handelt in der Cloud, ist es vollkommen egal ob von 100 Named Lizenzen nur 30 angemeldet sind oder 100 - jedem Benutzer steht nur eine Lizenz zur Verfügung.
Die NAV-Anbindung könnte durchaus ein Problem sein, je nach dem wie diese Anbindung technisch funktioniert und was sie tut. Ist die Schnittstelle selbst entwickelt oder nutzen Sie eine NAV Schnittstelle Ihres DW Partners? Meldet diese sich in bestimmten Fällen mit dem Account des Users an und könnte damit die Lizenz sperren?
In Ihrem Screenshot allerdings ist "DocuWare-Client" angegeben - das meint üblicherweise den WebClient. Welchen Browser benutzen die User für DW? Am besten wäre Chrome/Edge bzw. die meisten Chromium-Browser. Lizenztechnisch kann es wie oben beschrieben beim IE und beim alten Edge zu Problemen kommen.