Oh, another version which might work is using the C# function
Math.Abs() - this returns the absolute value.
Math.Abs(DW_AMOUNT) > 2000
However, I am not 100% sure if this function is supported by arithmetic expressions.
Hello Sander Helfensteijn,
yes, you can just add multiple checks to the condition. For example (written from memory, not tested):
DW_AMOUNT > 2000 || DW_AMOUNT < -2000
this is C# syntax. Arithmetic expressions and Conditions can use a mix of C# and VBA, check out the "Workflow expression parser" document from the partner portal for more details.
In VBA Syntax you could do something like this: DW_AMOUNT > 2000 OR DW_AMOUNT < -2000
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Thomas Stephens,
a loop is probably the easiest way.
Currently there is no way to send a mail to more than one recipient using a single variable. I would create a keyword field (variable) to store the mail addresses and then loop over this keyword field, store keywordField[index]
into a GV mailAddress
and send the mail.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hello Daryl Foxhoven,
if the ticket number is unique and the same on the ticket and the invoice, why do you need to to a LIKE fuzzy search? Could you not just check if it is equal?
Also, what value does GV_Ticket_Number_Expense
have here? It should be just one single ticket number. You might need to loop over all the table rows and process them one after another.
Last: Are you sure that there is no other document with the same ticket number, for example the invoice in the workflow? You could exclude the invoice by adding AND DW_DWDOCID <> GV_DWDOCID
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hello George Charisis,
DocuWare currently has more than 10000 cloud customers plus test/demo systems for partners - it is possible that all the names you tried are taken already.
You can just check that yourself by opening the URL you are trying to create in another browser tab.
If the URLs do not redirect to a DocuWare Login Page and the creation still does not work, please create a support request.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hallo Daniel Reusch,
mit der Dokumentenverknüpfung können maximal zwei Archive verknüpft werden. Natürlich ließen sich mehrere Verknüpfungen mit den gleichen Kriterien, aber unterschiedlichen Archiven einrichten.
Im Normalfall sollten die genannten Dokumenttypen aber alle im gleichen Archiv liegen, weshalb das gar kein Problem wäre.
Ansonsten ist das hier eher ein Anwendungsfall für die Funktion "Suche über mehrere Archive" (versteckt sich im WebClient unter "Suchen").
Gruß aus Neuss,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hello Miquel Sanz Vargas,
for moving or copying files between different cabinets, you should use the transfer module.
Workflow can currently not do this without putting in a lot of effort.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hello Miquel Sanz Vargas,
every search dialog has a linked result list. In file cabinet configuration, open the file cabinet -> dialogs -> search dialog -> scroll down -> more options. There is a drop-down menu to select the result list used by this search dialog. Either the result list set here was deleted - in that case, select another one.
Or the search dialog you are looking at has a different result list linked than you think and you do not have permissions on the result list shown here.
Hope that helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hallo Stephan Buch,
Der Workflow ist normalerweise die praktischste Variante.
Eine Option wäre noch, ein Indexfeld auf Archivebene auf "Eindeutig" zu stellen - dann können beispielsweise keine zwei Dokumente mit derselben Belegnummer abgelegt werden. Sobald allerdings zwei Kreditoren mit sich überschneidendem Nummernkreis existieren, wird das zu einem Problem.
Die komplexere Lösung wäre einen Validierungsservice zu programmieren und in den Ablagedialog einzubinden.
Dieser REST Webservice erhält vom Ablagedialog beim Klick auf "Ablegen" alle erfassten Indexwerte, kann beliebigen Code mit diesen Werten ausführen und liefert dem Ablagedialog dann die Information zurück ob das Dokument so abgelegt werden kann oder nicht. Falls nicht, kommt auch noch eine Fehlermeldung mit.
Gruß aus Neuss,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Thomas,
the VC++ 2015 is a known issue in that setup.
What happens if you use the 'sa' user instead? (given it is a MSSQL Database)
Did you run the database integrity check tool from setup components, does that work?
I recently had to upgrade a 10m documents System from 6.7 to 7.9 and had to move servers as well.
You work for TBS, is that right?
If so, feel free to contact me via mail or teams - I will try my best to help you.
You should find me in your global address book - I work for TGIS.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant