• On Premises Version 7.6 upgrade when previous version is using MySQL DB V2

    Is it necessary to upgrade the DocuWare DB to V3 before upgrading from version 7.x to version 7.6 for on premises systems currently using the V2 database?

    If so how is this done or is there a document outlining the steps required?

  • DocumentTool.exe

    Does the DocumentTool.exe Restore Program update the LAST_ID field in the dwdata.file cabinet name_idt table when restoring from document folders where the DocID of the documents is newer/higher than the last DocID that was created by storing a document in a previous version of the DB?

    Example, the database was restored to a new server and the system upgraded to a newer version of DocuWare. Due to some issues the older version was used and documents added after the DB was restored and upgraded. We have recovered all of the newer documents to the newer server by using the DocumentTool.exe program. However, the last DocID in a given file cabinet will now be higher than it was when the DB was restored.

    Will we have to update any fields in the DB, or can we assume that DocumentToll.exe did this for us?

    Many thanks,

  • Document Tool restore workflow

    Using the DocumentTool.exe to restore some files to several file cabinets on a 7.5 server, most have been successful but one file cabinet seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time. We suspect that this file cabinet is encrypted, all files in a document folder end in .crp (f0.pdf.crp, DocId.xml.crp, etc.).

    There is nothing in the documentation that indicates that this type of file cannot be restored in this way. Are there issues with encrypted file cabinets and the DocumentTool.exe?

    Clues appreciated

  • Upgrading from DocuWare 6.12 to 7.5 on Premises

    An end user wants to upgrade his v6.12 on premises system (DocuWare Business Server) to v7.5 in hopes of eliminating any security issues in his currently installed DocuWare Database (MySQL).

    Can we be assured that the upgrade will bring the MySQL DB up to current standards?

    Also the current server is Windows Server 2012 Standard, not R2 as listed in the system requirements. Does this server OS need to be updated? Can it be updated?

    Otherwise running the 7.1 installer and then the 7.5 installer would make this a relatively easy job.

    Any clues appreciated,
  • Proper procedure for desktop apps silent install on a new server

    We are moving an on premises version 6.12 system to a new server and then upgrading the new server to version 7.5. We will then need to push the desktop apps to all the client machines. Those clients will have v.6.12 desktop apps already installed and connected to the old server.

    What would be the proper procedure to update these apps from the new server running 7.5?

    Must we first run the -uninstall or will the upgrade and connection to the new server work as expected?

  • RE: Quick Copy in context menu of Result List

    This turned out to be a minor configuration error. The user had all permissions necessary to store a document but had the store dialog turned off in their profile. After enabling that the Quick Copy function works as expected.


  • Import jobs configured in 6.12 do not show in Document Processing after upgrade to 7.5

    Import jobs configured in 6.12 do not show in Document Processing after upgrade to 7.5 and move to new server.

    Must these jobs be recreated after upgrading from 6.12 (6.12 -> 7.0 -> 7.5)? Or did something go wrong during the upgrade? Are these entries stored in the database?
  • Specified cast is not valid error thrown at login

    After upgrading to 7.5 from 7.0 we receive a "Specified cast is not valid" error at login.

    Any clues appreciated.
  • Installer can't connect to database

    Installing version 6.12 on new server. Error message is 'Database is not available'. MS-SQL database, user has correct permissions. Database is on a different domain.

    Can DW v6.12 connect with a MS-SQL server that is not in the same domain?
  • RE: DocuWare Database names in MS-SQL


    That is what I thought. Thanks again for your help.