RE: Table as a destination in workflow Assign Data activity
Hi Steve,
thanks for the detailed description.
@Gerardo: Yes, I forgot about this feature to add rows.
However, this seems to be exactly the use case for adding new rows which is currently not possible.
As far as I understand, Steve wants to add a new row to a table of the PO each time an invoice related to the PO is stored. To my knowledge, up until DW 7.7 this is not possible without using the .NET/REST API.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Table as a destination in workflow Assign Data activity
Hi Steve,
just a wild guess here, but maybe the table field of your test document has no rows?
The assign data to table activity can only assign data to already existing rows, it can and will not create new rows.
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. HellmannDocuWare System Consultant
RE: iif Anweisung in Kombination mit Replace gibt nur erstes Wort aus
Hallo Herr Acker,
ein IIF nimmt nur 3 Parameter an.
IIF(Bedinung, Operation bei true, Operation bei false)
Sie versuchen an dieser Stelle mehr Parameter in einem IIF mitzugeben.
Die sinnvollste Lösung wäre hier mMn wenn Sie drei IIF in jeweils einzelnen Datenzuweisungen verwenden.
Gruß aus Neuss,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Aktualisieren einer Tabelle eines anderen Dokumentes in dem gleichen Archiv
Hallo Patrick,
Autoindex unterstützt aktuell (bis einschl. Version 7.7) keine Tabellenfelder.
Genauso die Datenzuweisung an ein Archiv aus dem Workflow heraus.
Mein Vorschlag wäre entweder kein Tabellenfeld sondern mehrere Datensätze zu verwenden, oder einen Webservice dafür zu programmieren.
Gruß aus Neuss,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: How to lock a document once a specific index field value is met??
Hi Daryl,
this sounds like a use case for index value profiles in the file cabinet. With those, you can set up edit rights for all documents where "STATUS does not equal Final" for example.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Formular: Dropdown mit eigenem Eintrag
Hallo Bernhard,
über genau das Problem bin ich diese Woche auch gestolpert. Soweit ich das sehen konnte, gibt es aktuell keine Möglichkeit für Drop-Down Formularfelder ohne Auswahlzwang. Das wäre evtl. was für die Uservoice.
Mein Workaround war, einfach weiter ein Textfeld zu nutzen, weil die freien Einträge dem Kunden wichtiger sind als die Liste.
Gruß aus Neuss,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
RE: Holidays Configuration
PS @DocuWare why is formatting so broken? -
Holidays Configuration
<p>In Organization Settings, you can create a list of holidays. These are not counted as workdays from workflows.<br> <br> Is there any way to import these holidays or edit these entries directly? As far as I know, there is no such feature documented.<br> Maybe someone here knows of a possibility I don't know about?<br> <br> Any way would work for me: txt file import, API call, database manipulation etc.<br> <br> <em><strong>EDIT: Found it in the database. Any other way would still be appreciated.</strong></em><br> Settings is an XML column.</p> <pre class="linenums prettyprint">SELECT settings FROM [dwsystem].[dbo].[DWOrganization]; Organization -> General -> Calendar -> Holidays <Holidays> <Holiday name="Holiday 1" date="2022-11-21" /> <Holiday name="Holiday 2" date="2002-11-21" /> </Holidays> </pre> <p></p> <p>Thanks & Greetings from Germany,<br> Simon H. Hellmann<br> DocuWare System Consultant</p> -
RE: List containing documents from the current month only
Hi Jason,
the KB article does not really mention it, but it is only necessary for text fields.
If you have a date field, you can just use the filter option "within the last" and select 1 month, see Screenshot.
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant -
RE: Auto index not changing index for all matching docs.
Hi Dean,
I do not understand your problem.
If you set the trigger to index change, AutoIndex can obviously only know about the document where the index changed and will use only this document. However, you can still have this job trigger for a lot of documents simultaneously (if you change index entries of all the documents you want).
I think you need to describe in more detail what you want to achieve with AI here for us to help you.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant