Achja, ich hoffe ihr habt noch nicht auf Oracle umgestellt, denn das wird als Datenbankarchitektur in Zukunft von DocuWare nicht mehr unterstützt.
Hallo Andreas,
Es gibt zwei relevante Dokumente, einmal die technischen Release Notes und die "Neues in DocuWare Version X.X" Dokumente.
Beide erscheinen für jede neue Version, d.h. du müsstest beide Dokumente für die Versionen 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 und 7.8 durchsehen, um über alle Änderungen informiert zu sein.
Das "Neues in DocuWare Version X.X" Dokument erklärt die Neuerungen für die Anwender, die technischen Release Notes erklären die administrativen Änderungen und die Änderungen an der Systemarchitektur (u. a. auch geänderte Systemvoraussetzungen).
Die technischen Release Notes enthalten auch den empfohlenen Upgradepfad.
Bitte in JEDEM Fall die technischen Release Notes für alle Versionen prüfen, denn es gab zwischen den Versionen einige Breaking Changes, die dazu führen könnten, dass das System nach dem Update nicht mehr funktioniert, wenn diese nicht berücksichtigt werden (z.B. Internal Database V1 nicht mehr unterstützt).
Die Dokumente sind alle im Docu-Pool im "My Business" Bereich der DW Website zu finden.
Gruß aus Neuss,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Masudi,
thank you for your detailed explanation.
As far as I know, this is currently (7.8) not a setting you can configure, it is just the default behaviour.
Maybe you can create a
Uservoice Request for implementation of a setting for this.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Goutham,
this is a very general Error Message which only says that something is wrong with the Fulltext Server Service. You can find the detailed exception in the corresponding Log File on your DocuWare Server.
Usually the file you need for this Message is the PlatformLog and/or the FulltextLog located in C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\Logs
With the log messages you should be able to figure out the problem or post it here again so we can hint you in the correct direction.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Masudi,
The documentation and examples for Validation Services can be found on the
Developer Portal.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Masudi,
this is currently not possible.
You can try to open a request on
Uservoice for that.
If you are willing to buy a third-party solution, the DocuScan StorageRobot and the Toshiba e-FileWatcher are two Solutions I know of which provide similar functionality using the REST API. There might be more out there I do not know about.
(Disclaimer: I am affiliated with the Toshiba development team)
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Masudi,
this is only possible using a REST Validation Webservice on storing the document.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Elton,
as far as I know, you can only retrieve the entire field list and then filter it.
I usually only use the .NET API (which is just a wrapper for the REST API), and even there I have to retrieve Document.Fields and then filter for the field I need. Normally I do this by using LINQ like this:
string value = Document.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldName == "DOCUMENT_TYPE").Item.ToString();
So if you only want a single field with the REST API, you probably have to parse the JSON Object and filter it.
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hallo Herr Weissert,
sind die Verbindungen der Desktop Apps auch alle auf HTTPS umgestellt worden (und die HTTP Verbindung entfernt)?
Und ist die WebConnection in der Administration auch auf HTTPS umgestellt worden?
Gruß aus Neuss,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant
Hi Masudi,
what do you want the system to do instead?
Configure the respective activity, for example "Time Delay" or "Wait for event" in the workflow.
Maybe I can give a more helpful answer if you describe your problem in more detail.
Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant