• RE: Volltextsuche

    Hallo Lena Diez,

    vermutlich ist in dem Archiv, auf welches sich der Suchdialog bezieht, die Volltextsuche nicht aktiviert.

    Gruß aus Neuss,
    Simon H. Hellmann
    DocuWare System Consultant
  • RE: DWcontrol file - how to import value of decimal field type?

    Thanks for reporting back.
    Yes, I also forgot that the keys are case sensitive and did not catch it in your messages.

    Anyway, now we have a great thread we can point to in the future if someone else has issues with the dwcontrol syntax! (;

    Greetings from Germany,
    Simon H. Hellmann
    DocuWare System Consultant
  • RE: DWcontrol file - how to import value of decimal field type?

    Sounds pretty strange.
    The last thing I can think of is the encoding.
    Please make sure your .dwcontrol file is saved as UTF-8 (without BOM) and your first two lines of the file should be these: 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ControlStatements xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://dev.docuware.com/Jobs/Control">

    If it's not that either, please open a support ticket with DocuWare and have someone from the support team look at this.

    Greetings from Germany,
    Simon H. Hellmann
    DocuWare System Consultant
  • RE: DWcontrol file - how to import value of decimal field type?

    Okay. Try to use the fieldName whenever possible, FieldLabel can be changed at any time and then the configuration might not work anymore.

    Pivoting to other ideas: Are your 100% sure that the DW user account which you are using in the DW Import is allowed to write into the field?
    Does the user have the permission to write, change and create new entries in this index field or maybe that right is missing from some custom file cabinet profiles or index value profiles?

    Does the store dialog set the field to read-only? Does the import configuration overwrite the entry with an empty one?

    If you are on DW on-premise, you might also be on that one version with a bug where DW Import uses the currently signed-in windows user instead of the user which is logged into the desktop apps to store documents. Update DW if this is the issue.

    Hope this helps.
    Greetings from Germany,
    Simon H. Hellmann
  • RE: DWcontrol file - how to import value of decimal field type?

    Hi Michal Cepek, 

    the format I always use is this: 
    <Field dbName="AMOUNT" type="Decimal" culture="en-Us" decimalPlaces="2" value="4688.6000" />

    Maybe the dbName is case sensitive and you need to type "CASTKA"? Or maybe the field has a different dbName and you just typed the display value? Everything else seems to be about the same as in my line.

    Greetings from Germany,
    Simon H. Hellmann
    DocuWare System Consultant
  • RE: Inteligent indexing for more than 1 dialog

    Hi Miquel Sanz Vargas, 

    you can have multiple dialogs with Intellix active, no problem.
    However, as Intellix is run instantly when a document is stored in a basket, the basket is directly linked to the store dialog, and thus, to a specific Intellix configuration. So you need to have as many baskets as you have store dialogs with Intellix.

    Greetings from Germany,
    Simon H. Hellmann
    DocuWare System Consultant
  • RE: Automatic stamp using Workflow

    Hello Mariya Tsvetkova,<br> <br> yes, you should be able to do that using the Platform API with the webservice activity.<br> This is the route you need to use:&#160;<br> <code>POST https://{{DocuWareServer}}/docuware/Platform/FileCabinets/{{FileCabinet-GUID}}/Documents/{{Doc-ID}}/Annotation</code><br> <br> Position is optional - if you give no position information, the API places the stamp in a convenient position, just like a normal workflow task stamp.<br> If you want to include the position, remember that the API expects twips as the unit of measurement.<br> <br> Hope this helps.<br> Greetings from Germany,<br> Simon H. Hellmann<br> DocuWare System Consultant

  • RE: Servicebenutzer

    Hallo Andreas,

    ein Support-Ticket hier bei DocuWare sollte schneller und günstiger zum Erfolg führen.

    Gruß aus Neuss,
    Simon H. Hellmann
    DocuWare System Consultant
  • RE: Consolidating table info for Export Tool

    Hi Daryl,

    as far as I know, DocuWare 7.10 does not have any functionality built-in for this.
    I have the same problem in multiple customer systems, and my workaround is currently a custom C# application which uses the REST API to modify the data in the table fields.

    Greetings from Germany,
    Simon H. Hellmann
    DocuWare System Consultant
  • RE: Servicebenutzer

    Hallo Andreas Moroder,

    erst einmal: Der Import (sofern wir über Verzeichnisüberwachung sprechen) hat normalerweise nichts mit den Server-Diensten zu tun, sondern läuft meistens über das Modul DocuWare Import, welches Teil der Desktop Apps ist. D.h. die Konfiguration der Import-Jobs ist abhängig vom eingeloggten Windows-Benutzer, und die Import-Jobs werden vom Windows Dienst "DocuWare Desktop Service" durchgeführt.

    Zweitens: Die dwmachine.config muss nur in den allerseltensten Fällen angefasst werden, z.B. bei Serverumzügen, Servernamensänderungen o.ä. - Änderung eines Windows Users, der die Dienste ausführt, gehört nicht dazu. Außerdem ist alles an DocuWare abhängig davon, dass die dwmachine.config in Ordnung ist, deshalb am besten Finger davon, wenn man nicht genau weiß, was zu tun ist. Auf jeden Fall vorher sichern!

    In diesem Fall wird das durchführen von KBA-36277 glücklicherweise keinerlei Auswirkungen gehabt haben, da es nur einen Eintrag, der bereits in der dwmachine.config vorhanden war, erneut erzeugt und überschrieben hat.

    Zum Thema: Der Windows-User, den DocuWare im Setup abfragt, wird meines Wissens nach für folgende Dinge verwendet:
    - Serverseitige Windows-Dienste (Authentication Service, Background Process Service etc.)
    - IIS Application Pools
    - MSMQ

    Die Log-Meldung erwähnt DocuWare.Platform, was einer der IIS Application Pools ist. Ich vermute, der neue lokale Admin-User wurde dort noch nicht hinterlegt.
    Für die MSMQ muss möglicherweise der alte "admXYZ" erneut den lokalen Administratoren hinzugefügt werden. Dann alle DocuWare-Dienste und den IIS stoppen, einen MSMQ Reset durchführen, während du mit dem "admXYZ" in Windows eingeloggt bist und rebooten, bevor du die DocuWare Dienste erneut startest. Für MSMQ Reset siehe auch: KBA-35787

    Ich hoffe, das hilft halbwegs weiter.

    Gruß aus Neuss,
    Simon H. Hellmann
    DocuWare System Consultant