RE: Upgrading Intelligent Indexing on-premise
Hi Nathan,
the upgrade is not yet publicly available. We are doing final tests and will probably release it in the next weeks.
Tobias Getz -
RE: pdf per Workflow zu bestehenden hinzufügen
Hall Herr Heyenga,
während der Bearbeitung einer Aufgabe kann ein Benutzer weitere Dokumente an das bestehende Dokument anklammern. Im Kontextmenü der Aufgabe finden Sie dazu den Eintrag "Klammern". Danach können Sie einen Briefkorb öffnen und ein Dokument zum anklammern auswählen.
Ich hoffe das hilft.
Tobias Getz -
RE: Integrar con un webservice
Hi Edwin,
I assume you are asking about a web service for usage in the Workflow Manager?
First a web service just gets information from DocuWare, it is not possible to send a document directly to the web service. Given, that the Workflow sends the DocID and a FileCabinet GUID to the web service, the web service can then log into DocuWare and download the document by itself.
Does this help?
Tobias Getz -
RE: Relative dates in AutoIndex
as soon as you can use Version 7.4 the filter options for dates are the same in event based and scheduled Autoindex.
RE: Relative dates in AutoIndex
Hi Steve,
as far as I know, all possibilities from the DocuWare Administration are also available in the new configuration. They might have a different naming, but should work the same. I do not know exactly how to configure "Withing the current year" but if it was possible before, it should be possible now also.
I hope this helps.
Tobias Getz -
RE: Using Multi-Column Select List along with Default Select List
Hi Daryl,
from what I understand you could just use the default select list in general and disable the filtering for the last name and enable the filtering for the first name only on the last name. This way you should have the same functionality as when using external csv files. Additionally all users which have the right "Allow new entries" in the specific fields can add new names.
In preparation you probably need to "import" all your csv file entries as database entries into the file cabinet using Autoindex, (or just rely on manual entry during normal work).
If you have some other customer management system it might be also interesting to integrate this customer list dynamically into DocuWare by directly accessing this database.
I hope this helps
Tobias Getz
RE: Digital signature with certificate
Hi Xavier,
this way you attach an electronic signature to all imported/scanned documents.
The signed invoices will appear in the document tray which is selected above.
To check the signature, you have to download the PDF and open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader. There you can see and check the signature.
Tobias Getz -
RE: Wie müssen Indexfilter eingerichtet werden?
Hallo Herr Müller,
Dokumentation zu Indexfiltern finden Sie hier: https://help.docuware.com/#/home/62780/1/1
Die vermutlich wchtigste Information für Sie ist vermutlich, dass in DocuWare die Rechte immer addiert werden. Wenn alle Mitarbeiter Mitglieder in den Standardarchivrollen sind, dann haben sie darüber auch Leserechte auf alle Dokumente.
Sobald Sie mit Indexfiltzern arbeiten, sollten Sie die Standardarchivrollen nicht mehr verwenden und müssen jedes Recht einzeln vergeben. Als Beispiel: Sie müssen allen Mitarbeitern das Recht auf die DokUnterart "Führerscheine" geben und der Rolle "Personal" das Recht auf alles mit der DokArt "Personal".
Ich hoffe, das hilft erstmal.
Viele Grüße
Tobias Getz -
RE: .NET API Get List of Fields in File Cabinet or Tray
Also keep in mind, that document trays do not have fields by themselfs, they just have all fields, the documents in them have. So you cannot ask DocuWare which fields are available in a document tray.
Tobias Getz -
RE: Added Field to File Cabinet -- no one else can see
Hi Joe,
you are right, new fields are automatically added to all default dialogs and profiles. Any custom dialogs and profiles have to be extended manually.